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Earth Day 2024

Earth Day 2024

Every year, millions of people across the world gather on Earth Day to celebrate the amazing environmental movement. It originally started in 1970 in the United States of America, and is now marked all around the world. 

Earth Day is a special day when people all around the world come together to celebrate our planet and think about how we can look after it better. It’s like a big birthday party for Earth, but instead of cake, we plant trees, clean up rubbish, and learn about how to be kinder to the environment.

Earth Day; What is it & When is it?

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated worldwide on April 22nd to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It serves as a reminder of the importance of conservation efforts and encourages individuals and communities to take action to safeguard the planet for future generations. The 2024 theme, “Planet vs. Plastics”, aims to raise awareness of the harms of plastic pollution for human and planetary health.

In Britain, Earth Day happens every year on April 22nd. It’s a chance for people to get stuck in and do their bit to help keep our beautiful country green and clean. So whether it’s picking up litter in the park, planting flowers in your garden, or just switching off lights to save energy, there’s plenty we can all do to show our love for the Earth.

What is the purpose of it?

Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has achieved significant milestones in raising awareness about environmental issues. Some key achievements include: Legislative Action, Globall Awareness, Environmental Education, and Continued Advocacy.

In Britain, Earth Day has achieved some great things over the years. Thanks to the efforts of dedicated individuals and groups, awareness about environmental issues has grown, leading to positive changes.

For example, more people are recycling their waste, using reusable bags instead of plastic ones, and supporting local initiatives to protect green spaces. Earth Day has also inspired people to come together for environmental clean-up events, making cities and towns tidier and healthier for everyone.

Reject Fast Fashion Campaign

The fast fashion industry operates on a “race to the bottom” model to produce the greatest number of garments at the lowest price. With cheap production, lowered costs and societal pressure to constantly consume clothing, fashion’s numbers are staggering: 100 billion garments made annually, 87%  ending in landfills or incinerators and only 1% recycledTo read more from Earth Day click here.

Worth Its Weight & Earth Day

We want to help the nation put their unwanted items back into circulation and prevent them from ending up in landfill. Reduce landfill waste by donating your unwanted clothes, shoes, books, toys, and so much more.

Earth Day has played a vital role in inspiring positive change and creating a deeper appreciation for the environment. However, there’s still much more to be done, and Earth Day continues to be a crucial opportunity for people to unite and work towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Visit one of our locations and bring your unwanted items, we will help put them back into circulation, all items are rehomed and used for their original purpose. To make it even better, you also get paid per kg for your items. A great way to sustainably clear out your wardrobe, cupboards and get some quick cash.